Best Worst Date Stories *

I consideration it may be value taking a small survey of the most horrible dating experience ever in the Top Dating Tips place of work. It is a tropical forest out present and along the dating path we have encounter some peculiar situation. Whilst one or two might put us off dating for existence others are just bizarre. There are a small number of of us who don’t have some odd dating story to inform who are over 25 and a number of them can do something as lessons too. At the same time as I wouldn’t like anybody else to go from side to side these worst dating experience, its obvious that its be part of what happen when we try and use time with total strangers.

Bad Date Stories

The most horrible first dates in universal seemed to be at what time dates unsuccessful to turn up totally, made disgraceful excuse, were wedged out the same night time with a dissimilar man or woman, or just lied. One gentleman met up with a girl who naked naked in his favorite eating place to show the waiters her dragon tattoo, one more was punch out cold by a priest who didn’t like his hair!

My most horrible dating knowledge was taking an set flight from Toronto via Pittsburgh to call a girl who had now spent three months phone me asking me to call her in New York. On hallway she phone to say that she had book me into the Grand Hyatt on 42nd road and would call me at what time I got there. Once I had checkered in she call me to say that she couldn’t make it to get together this weekend and maybe I could visit once more next weekend in its place! $1000 dollars afterward I had a weekend on my own in New York visit the tourist attractions and shopping unnecessary to say we by no means met up once more. Here are a few example of bad era in no exacting order.

On the Rack

One of the guys had been dating a calm girl for a few weeks when she asked him rear to her apartment building. She was a introverted girl but he was an admirable gent so he tell us, so he said yes at what time he got to her apartment building they established in for a swallow on the comfy sofa before touching to the bedroom. As belongings got animated she insist on tying his hands to the bedpost with silk scarves and has he was pastime for a express amusement he agreed. previous to you could say no matter which she pulled out a moveable rack (yes the mediaeval type) and said he might so with some stretch (!! editor). In wild fright he manage to loosen his self-control and ran blaring from the apartment building semi dressed with her chase after him but organization to escape. He has been fairly quiet on the dating face since then.

The Bad Photo

Our place of work advertising guy had determined to try some internet dating so connected one of the top expert sites and posted a complete profile and a photo. Then waited. In fact he wait for about a year and get zero response from any of the many women online. He in progress to chat by means of the girls and get nowhere fast also After 18 months he had no thought what to propose. The girls coordinated his profile precisely they had the similar backgrounds  plus the a small number of who strut to him said that he was a beautiful guy but by no means took it additional. finally he performed a test. He just replaced his photo with one of a gentleman model. Within 2 days he had conventional 132 email replies, 17 spontaneous conversations and 5 offers of a date. The ethical of this intimidating story is don’t believe that all women put character before looks, sadly.

The Wrong Vehicle

One of the guys here was rank in a bar have a swallow when two beautiful girls approach him and one admit that she consideration he was beautiful. They got chatting plus were receiving on really well at what time one of the two asked come again? car he drove. He had been heavy the same car for existence and admitted it was old. The girl said that that wouldn’t do at all as she merely dated men who drove BMWs  – plus left. He is motionless single and heavy an old car. The moral of this story is obtain your wheels sort out guys.

The Preacher’s Daughter

One of the guys in the place of work was dating a young woman when at school. They had been latent together for a little bit and the connection had progress but he had yet to be introduce to her father. Her minister was in fact a priest and minister and religiously religious. One Saturday dawn the preacher take it upon himself to appointment his only offspring by driving the 100 miles to her apartment house. Our hero and his girlfriend were in bed when the bang on the door come so fast as a flash he jump naked into a clothes and  hid.

The father enter the room and was welcome by his offspring who took it upon herself to talk with him concerning her study for the next 4 hours in which time they ate both feast and lunch. Our hero in the meantime is no additional than a few feet away, naked and overcrowded in the dark wardrobe, having now lost all feeling to his body and cold cold and dry. Just as the priest was leaving our pal fell from the secret and landed naked at the feet of the priest with daughter looking on. The result was that inside three weeks the offspring was detached from the school and the association was over.

The Car Door

I once take a girl I was very paying attention to out on our primary date and as we at home in the metropolis the girl in query got out of the person along for the ride side of my car. As she stopped up the door, the casement dropped out and landed on her foot contravention 4 bones. We exhausted the relax of the day in hospital but unfortunately no additional date was set as she spent the after that 6 weeks with her leg in splash.

I consideration it may be value taking a small survey of the most horrible dating experience ever in the Top Dating Tips place of work. It is a tropical forest out present and along the dating path we have encounter some peculiar situation. Whilst one or two might put us off dating for existence others are just bizarre. There are a small number of of us who don’t have some odd dating story to inform who are over 25 and a number of them can do something as lessons too. At the same time as I wouldn’t like anybody else to go from side to side these worst dating experience, its obvious that its be part of what happen when we try and use time with total strangers.

Bad Date Stories

The most horrible first dates in universal seemed to be at what time dates unsuccessful to turn up totally, made disgraceful excuse, were wedged out the same night time with a dissimilar man or woman, or just lied. One gentleman met up with a girl who naked naked in his favorite eating place to show the waiters her dragon tattoo, one more was punch out cold by a priest who didn’t like his hair!

My most horrible dating knowledge was taking an set flight from Toronto via Pittsburgh to call a girl who had now spent three months phone me asking me to call her in New York. On hallway she phone to say that she had book me into the Grand Hyatt on 42nd road and would call me at what time I got there. Once I had checkered in she call me to say that she couldn’t make it to get together this weekend and maybe I could visit once more next weekend in its place! $1000 dollars afterward I had a weekend on my own in New York visit the tourist attractions and shopping unnecessary to say we by no means met up once more. Here are a few example of bad era in no exacting order.

On the Rack

One of the guys had been dating a calm girl for a few weeks when she asked him rear to her apartment building. She was a introverted girl but he was an admirable gent so he tell us, so he said yes at what time he got to her apartment building they established in for a swallow on the comfy sofa before touching to the bedroom. As belongings got animated she insist on tying his hands to the bedpost with silk scarves and has he was pastime for a express amusement he agreed. previous to you could say no matter which she pulled out a moveable rack (yes the mediaeval type) and said he might so with some stretch (!! editor). In wild fright he manage to loosen his self-control and ran blaring from the apartment building semi dressed with her chase after him but organization to escape. He has been fairly quiet on the dating face since then.

The Bad Photo

Our place of work advertising guy had determined to try some internet dating so connected one of the top expert sites and posted a complete profile and a photo. Then waited. In fact he wait for about a year and get zero response from any of the many women online. He in progress to chat by means of the girls and get nowhere fast also After 18 months he had no thought what to propose. The girls coordinated his profile precisely they had the similar backgrounds  plus the a small number of who strut to him said that he was a beautiful guy but by no means took it additional. finally he performed a test. He just replaced his photo with one of a gentleman model. Within 2 days he had conventional 132 email replies, 17 spontaneous conversations and 5 offers of a date. The ethical of this intimidating story is don’t believe that all women put character before looks, sadly.

The Wrong Vehicle

One of the guys here was rank in a bar have a swallow when two beautiful girls approach him and one admit that she consideration he was beautiful. They got chatting plus were receiving on really well at what time one of the two asked come again? car he drove. He had been heavy the same car for existence and admitted it was old. The girl said that that wouldn’t do at all as she merely dated men who drove BMWs  – plus left. He is motionless single and heavy an old car. The moral of this story is obtain your wheels sort out guys.

The Preacher’s Daughter

One of the guys in the place of work was dating a young woman when at school. They had been latent together for a little bit and the connection had progress but he had yet to be introduce to her father. Her minister was in fact a priest and minister and religiously religious. One Saturday dawn the preacher take it upon himself to appointment his only offspring by driving the 100 miles to her apartment house. Our hero and his girlfriend were in bed when the bang on the door come so fast as a flash he jump naked into a clothes and  hid.

The father enter the room and was welcome by his offspring who took it upon herself to talk with him concerning her study for the next 4 hours in which time they ate both feast and lunch. Our hero in the meantime is no additional than a few feet away, naked and overcrowded in the dark wardrobe, having now lost all feeling to his body and cold cold and dry. Just as the priest was leaving our pal fell from the secret and landed naked at the feet of the priest with daughter looking on. The result was that inside three weeks the offspring was detached from the school and the association was over.

The Car Door

I once take a girl I was very paying attention to out on our primary date and as we at home in the metropolis the girl in query got out of the person along for the ride side of my car. As she stopped up the door, the casement dropped out and landed on her foot contravention 4 bones. We exhausted the relax of the day in hospital but unfortunately no additional date was set as she spent the after that 6 weeks with her leg in splash.

How to Build Digital Relationships in the Social Media Age *

How to Build Digital Relationships in the Social Media Age *

A Sales Relationship Used to Begin With a Smile and Handshake

Two components of reliable relationship building in sales used to be a smile and a handshake.  Things have certainly changed in the digital world. So many of today’s interactions take place without any actual human interaction.

In the digital age we seldom have the luxury of yesterday’s face-to-face meetings.  Is there any way to recreate that sense of closeness and familiarity?  This provides a unique dilemma for small- to mid-sized business owners (SMBs).  And, the stakes and risks for business owners have never been higher.


Why Sophisticated Prospecting is Critical to Your SMB’s Survival


Your audience has to picture you as a trusted and responsive partner.  This is one of the main advantages that an SMB must build upon when compared to a larger business competitor.  

Developing strong business relationships yields upsells, cross-sells, and referrals.  All of which help lead to strong growth for a business.  The first challenge is the most important hurdle to defeat.  If your business doesn’t make the best first impression, how can you hope to build trust in your business?

Today the vast majority of decision makers say they never respond to cold outreach.  How can you warm up your introductions as a vital aspect of your sales prospecting?  Spammy prospecting has poor results and is damaging to your SMB’s reputation.  Word quickly spreads if your business is guilty of filling inboxes with irrelevant product messaging.

It’s preferable and much more productive if you use a warm introduction.  Doing this has the potential for a positive response rate in the 15-18% range.  However, the big question remains.  How can you effectively pursue this objective?

How can you in the “post-handshake era” build the types of meaningful relationships that grow your business?   Let’s take a look at three of my favorite techniques.


Embrace 3 Techniques for Successful B2B Prospecting


Salespeople are wise to position themselves by following the social contract, developing emotional connections, and creating constructive tension.  Let’s examine each of these three relationship-building tenets more closely.


You Have to Give Before You Get a Return


Receiving an introduction through a mutual connection is the most effective way to initiate a conversation with someone you don’t personally know.  Doing this gives both parties a sense of recognition and credibility.  It’s important to remember that asking for an introduction is asking for a favor.

You have to look at it from the referrer’s perspective.  That favor may affect their reputation which we all work hard to maintain.  They have to feel confident that your interaction with the contacting question will be a positive one.  You should also consider positive ways that you can assist that referrer in return for their assistance.

The transactional principle of this type of social contract is present in so many things that happen in our lives.  It applies to everything from back-scratches to business.  As we go through life we have to build trust with others before we see it returned to us. 

After contacting a new prospect, it’s important for you to deliver value upfront.  Here again you are asking for a favor.  Even if you are simply asking someone to take the time to listen to you.  Begin by pointing them toward something of value.  This might be custom content or a valuable third-party resource they might find helpful. This promotes your new relationship as a helpful partner, rather than a pushy salesperson.


You Have to Make an Emotional Connection First


I think that most people understand the big role emotions play in our life choices.  We make our decisions emotionally and justify them rationally.  Surprisingly, emotions also play a major role in our B2B purchasing decisions.

It’s important to consider the role emotions play in decision making and act accordingly.  You have to use your personality and tap into your feelings as well as the feelings of your sales targets.  One could argue that in business, emotions matter even more.

Your have to use stories and conversations that cause your audience to react genuinely.  Go beyond the dry facts and numbers to create a deep connection.  But you need to do so authentically.  Highlight shared experiences and interests that connect you with others.

This doesn’t mean that you should just add drama or humor into your approach.  You have to be focused and authentic.  What are your prospects real interests?  You need to understand how their failures and successes have affected them.  Why have they succeeded?  What are the failures that they fear?

You have to become the advocate with understanding in these particular areas of interest to them.  Understanding and advocating about how these align with your business is particularly important.


How Strong Constructive Tension Cements Your B2B Relationship


What is the most difficult part of driving your sales dialogue to a successful conclusion?  It’s motivating your prospect to make a decision positive to your business goals.  How do you move someone from “I’ll think about it” to “I’ll act on it” without coming across as pestering?  How can you promote your goals without forcing a false sense of urgency?  The answer often lies in developing constructive tension.

One technique is to build an empathetic narrative driven by and anchored in numbers.  This gives you the opportunity to illustrate the risks and negative impact if they fail to take action.  While backing up your point with objective data.  Doing this can strike an effective balance between emotion and logic.  Your prospect feels the weight of their possible loss while understanding how to resolve their problem.

Even if you don’t sway your potential buyer using this approach, don’t view it as a total loss.  It is often advantageous making a good impression and leaving things on a positive note.  Perhaps this individual can refer you to another opportunity.  Or they’ll remember you first once their problem elevates to a need. This is why developing healthy business relationships is everything.


The New Era of Digital Sales Requires New Solutions


You may have heard the old expression that says, “The handshake of the host affects the taste of the roast.”  In other words, that first interaction sets the tone for everything that follows. Correctly done, your warm and informed initial outreach can become the digital equivalent of a firm and hearty handshake. 

By providing value upfront to all parties, developing emotional connections, and creating constructive tension to move things forward, you’ll place yourself firmly on the path to lasting relationships with long-term rewards.


7 Ways to Trigger Buying Decisions in Your Customers Brain *

7 Ways to Trigger Buying Decisions in Your Customers Brain *

What Effect Does Persuasion Have on Your Messages?


It’s hard to imagine the billions of dollars are wasted on ads that don’t grab attention or motivate people to act?  We have always tried to influence others, with advertising being the modern persuasion method.

Many theories have been developed about the effect persuasion has on our brains and decision making.  We will examine some of the most current data about persuasion science and how it affects your business  in this article.


How Effective are Persuasion Messages?


The effectiveness of persuasive messages on the brain has been thoroughly researched for many years.  Every day you participate in or create persuasive arguments that you hope will change people’s views, or convince them to buy a product or solution that will change their lives.

Few of these messages will actually grab people’s attention, change their perceptions and cause them to act.  Persuasion ia a game which is often a waste of time and money.


How Our Brains React to Ads Predicts their Impact


If you further investigate why people like or dislike your messages, you will not get closer to the truth of why some messages work and others don’t.  Only measuring brain responses to ads can shed light on how your unconcious brain reacts to sales messages and predict the impact they have on the brain.

Persuasion science is a new field that can finally provide scientific answers to questions that have puzzled advertisers, marketers, academics and researchers for many years. But while measuring brain responses has become relatively easier and affordable, the real challenge is to make sense of the gigabytes of data generated by millisecond recordings of brain waves, eye fixations, facial expressions and skin moisture.


Make your message personal, contrastable, tangible, memorable, visual and emotional to elicit a response from your Primal brain

After decades of research and practice in the field of persuasion science, which is also known as neuromarketing or consumer neuroscience some progress has finally been made.  Researchers have developed a persuasion theory that helps construct and deliver convincing product claims to your intended audience.


Persuasion Theory is Based on Brain Science


There are many persuasion theories that have been debated for hundreds of years.  Few of these theories are anchored in what actually happens in the brain when people receive a message, understand the appeal, feel emotions related to the message and trigger a decision.

New answers have emerged to help us understand how ads can either influence us or be disregarded within just a few seconds.


How do Persuasive Messages Relate to the Brain


We have learned a lot about the relationship between persuasive messages and the brain.  It is now understood that the nervous system has two major systems, with one dominating the processing of these messages and it is not the one you would suspect does.


Persuasion science is based on the dominance of the Primal Brain

The Primal Brain:  This is the older brain system and is composed of brain structures that are designed to make you safe.  The Primal brain controls your attention and emotional resources addressing your survival-related priorities below your level of consciousness.  You could think of it as the BIOS of your mind, a set of basic instructions that control how your computer receives input and output.  The Primal dominates the processing of all persuasive messages!


The Rational Brain:  This is the more recently developed and more evolved part of the brain.  You should think of it as the latest version of Windows or Mac OS for your brain.  The Rational brain acts like a suite of enhanced applications that you can learn, change or upgrade during your lifetime.  This part of your brain helps you regulate some of the responses of the Primal brain.


Persuasion Science is Based on the Dominance of the Primal Brain


Because of the dominance of the primal brain in unconcious thought responses, it’s often said that persuasion is an effect which works from the bottom-up.  If you want to optimize your chances of getting results from your ads, you need to first and foremost make your messages friendly to the Primal brain.  How can you acheive this?  To be effective your messages need to use the 6 persuasion factors that trigger instant Primal brain responses.


Persuasion Science is Based on the Dominance of the Primal Brain

Make your message PERSONAL:  You have to think of the Primal brain as the center of ME.  It has no patience or empathy for anything that does not immediately concern its well-being.  It scans for threats before it attends to pleasure.  Vigilance drives the speed and nature of its response.

Make your arguments CONTRASTABLE:  The Primal brain is sensitive to solid contrast such as before/after, risky/safe, with/without, and slow/fast.  Contrast allows quick, risk-free decisions.  Without contrast, the brain enters a state of confusion, which delays a decision, or worse, stalls a decision altogether.

Make your proofs TANGIBLE:  The Primal brain needs tangible input.  It is constantly looking for what is familiar and friendly; what can be recognized quickly, what is concrete and immutable.  The Primal brain cannot process complexity without a lot of effort and skepticism.  It appreciates simple, easy-to-grasp, concrete ideas.

Make your story MEMORABLE:  The Primal brain remembers little.  Placing the most important content at the beginning is a must, and repeating it at the end is imperative.  Keep in mind that what you say in the middle of your delivery should be brief and convincing.  Don’t go over 3 convincing arguments: your CLAIMS.  The Primal brain loves stories because a good narrative construction is easy to remember.

Make your points VISUAL: The Primal brain’s default sensory channel is visual. The optical nerve is physically connected to the Primal brain and at least 25 times faster than the auditory nerve. Therefore, the visual channel provides a fast and effective connection to accelerate decisions. No other sense is more dominant than the visual sense. It is the superhighway of your messages.

Make your impact EMOTIONAL:  The Primal brain is strongly triggered by emotions.  Emotions create chemical events in your brain that directly impact the way you process and memorize information.  In fact, you simply can’t remember events unless you strong “emotional cocktail.”  No emotion, no decisions!


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