How Your Digital Marketing Strategy Build’s Your Brand *

How Your Digital Marketing Strategy Build’s Your Brand *

Use Landing Pages to Manage Your Reputation


Building your reputation, which is synonymous with your brand is how successful businesses establish themselves.  It’s how you build the brand that your customers trust and engage with.  You need to monitor your social media for mentions, checking reviews, and cultivating shares.  They’re the real gold of social media marketing.




Landing Pages Are Inexpensive and Effective


Landing pages are an inexpensive and effective way to manage your Reputation and build your Brand.  Landing pages allow you to control how your business is seen by the public.

You may feel that you have done your best to build your Reputation and your Brand.  Have you been happy with your results?  Have you considered building landing pages to expand on what you have accomplished?  


Landing Pages = Reputation Management


Landing pages promote reputation management because Google will rank each of them for your brand name and keywords.  Landing Pages also work to increase your traffic and lead generation.  If used correctly, landing pages effectively help visitors connect to your brand.  Landing Pages are also a great way to build your all important Email list.

Can anything else be as effective in connecting you to more customers?  Can Social Media pages?  Blog comments?  Video Responses?  Landing pages present the image and information you want customers to see and they quickly and inexpensively connect you to the customers you desire.  Connecting to qualified customers is what your business needs to succeed.


Use Landing Pages to Engage Visitors


Holding customer engagement campaigns is just one of the many ways that you can use to build your brand.  Others include using influencer marketing and using paid review posts on popular blogs.  

You expend these efforts to develop the company brand and through that the company reputation.


Your Reputation Management Landing Page


Reputation Management is the key to your landing pages serving a dual purpose.  You want your landing pages ranking high in Google for your brand keywords and phrases.  Secondly your landing pages guide customers to your most important content and selling point.


Google Ranking is Your #1 Priority


How you rank on Google is your #1 priority.  Having your landing pages ranking in the top 10 for your targeted search queries is your goal.  Multiple landing pages provide more opportunities to focus your keywords on brand specific search queries.  

It’s all about focusing on the search queries that help your new customers discover your business.  Content rich landing pages allow you to engage and educate visitorsand turn them into customers.


Build Your Brand With Landing Pages


Following are five examples of the types of landing pages you need to create.  These landing pages focus on your brand’s keywords, helping to build your email list, sales leads, credibility and reputation.  Landing Pages provide more keyword focused opportunities for your customers to connect with your business.




Your Start Here Landing Page


Your Start Here landing page is an introduction and doesn’t have to be long, although some long landing pages have been found to be more effective in converting visits into clicks.

Your Start Here landing page tells customers what you do, what your mission is, and what your business offers to your customers.


Don’t assume that your visitor knows what you do.


Your Start Here landing page allows you to control the narrative and your brand image.  Your Start Here landing page gives your brand a face and establishes the tone you carry through your promotional materials and content.

Your Start Here Landing Page can also be your  “About” page, however I prefer to have both.  One page is directly attached to the website while the other is a “hello” introduction that is less about informing and more about engaging and informing.


Your Coming Soon Landing Page


Several years ago SEO Smarty was launching a new content marketing service.  Their original plan was to use the website to generate leads via email subscriptions.  They quickly discovered that engaging visitors using content might not be effective for direct B2C engagement.  Their User Experience fell short, making it impossible to get the desired results using old methods.

Three months before site launch, SEO Smarty created a landing page using Launchrock, that created the desired engagement from visitors.  After the landing page was created, promoted, optimized, discussed in guest posts, and linked to on social media, the results improved the ranking for the page in particular, instead of the website.

Their landing page had a video introducing the coming service.  The landing page also displayed the launch date, and an email subscription form with an invitation to the initial opening.  It generated so many leads that it made SEO Smarty a big believer in using landing pages for lead generation.


Templates and Tools are Available


Many cool templates and ideas for your own coming soon landing page are available.  You can even find some cool Coming Soon templates here, giving you the opportunity to test several till you find the perfect template for you.


The Seasonal Landing Page


HubSpot created a Seasonal Landing Page for the holidays called HolidayHub.  They paired it with a hashtag campaign of the same name and promoted it widely.   Their Seasonal landing page was the same as their regular website but in a smaller form, with limited features and a holiday theme.  Their mini-site for the holidays was a landing page, with a bit more.


Seasonal Landing Pages Engage Visitors


Their Seasonal Landing Page engages visitors with it’s holiday theme. The top of the Seasonal landing page has a countdown to the next holiday or special event.  The middle of the page includes guides and tools to help and inform those visiting.   The  bottom of the page has a sign-up form for a free assessment through their service.


Effective and Popular


Their Seasonal landing page was not only effective, it also popularized minisite landing pages.  Mini site pages are the most suggested landing page styles by experts, because they provide the flavor of the website without overwhelming.  


Better Message Control


Seasonal landing pages allow better control of what visitors see and should be theme based to engage and inform visitors through the season.  A new domain for your Seasonal landing page is inexpensive, and a dedicated domain helps the landing page rank for your brand name or other terms.  

A great Seasonal landing page used by is Free Shipping Day, operated as a separate website which ranks for a variety of free shipping related queries.

When the season for that theme passes?  Simply make another one!



Your Social Digest Landing Page


Social media draws attention, however it is disconnected from landing pages and content marketing strategies.  It acts like a secondary platform, combining Social Media and your business website can be hit or miss.  


Connect Your Business and Social Media


That is why it’s a great idea of using a Social Digest landing page to display all of your Social Media.  The Social Digest landing page is my new favorite method of connecting your business and your Social Media.

A great resource, Miappi takes all of your social media and curates the best content that is gaining the most attention from your followers. Miappi brings it all together on your landing page in a digest format that visitors can check out and get updated with regularly.



One Page for all Your Social Media


What I love about this, it allows your followers to go one Social Digest Landing Page to view your posts from all of your Social Media platforms.   I don’t post the same thing to all my accounts since that is an ineffective strategy.  I’ve created a strategy using each platform for its own unique engagement.

A Social Digest Landing Page takes advantage of that, allowing visitors to access and view all of your Social Media posts at one source.


Your Offer Ended Landing Page


Special offers expire, and products become outdated.  However expired offers continue to haunt long after they have expired.  Expired offers still have a strong association with your brand that the Offer Ended landing page takes advantage of.  

Customers will ask about your expired offers long after the offer has expired.   Don’t delete those expired offer landing pages, those pages still can rank for your brand name!  Instead, remake them into something that will help to attract visitors and turn them into customers.


Re-purpose With New Offers


The Offer Ended landing page will direct people to posts, pages, products, updates, or anything else relevant at that time.  Imagine that you have a new promotion that gives 20 percent off a year’s subscription to your service.  

You can place a banner up on the landing page that announces and links to your cart with a promo code auto-filled.  Another option is a new end of year guide with all of the tips you provided over the past twelve months, placed prominently front and center.


Offer Ended Landing Pages Engage Visitors


An Offer Ended landing page helps your visitors find what they didn’t even know they needed.

Many great examples of “expired offer” pages can be found with conference landing pages.  If you don’t have the next event ready yet re-direct your traffic, utilize old landing pages to develop interest, as well as build your mailing list.


Landing Pages Engage Your Visitors 


There are many types of Landing Pages and they can all be designed to reach out and engage the specific visitors that you want.  They provide a unique and inexpensive way to spread your message.


Your Blog Posts Can Emulate Landing Pages


If it seems overwhelming to use landing pages, take a serious look at blogging to get your message out.  You can emulate what you would do with landing pages by tailoring your blog posts to different audiences.  Give it a try, you might be surprised by the results.


How to Build Your Credibility and Online Brand Reputation *

How to Build Your Credibility and Online Brand Reputation *

How to Manage Your Online Reputation


What is reputation management?  Reputation is usually defined as the power to influence and control your reputation as viewed by others.  This was originally a term associated with public relations.


How to Influence and Manage Your Online Reputation


However with the birth of the internet and growth of social media reputation management has morphed into something much more diverse.  Today your internet and social media presence, along with your search query results have become important for your individual or corporate reputation.

Managing your reputation has become a skill of it’s own, with a name to match it’s importance.  Online Reputation Management (ORM) focuses on the management of your product and service search website results.  

There are ethical grey areas involved which include mug shot removal websites, astroturfing customer review sites, censoring negative complaints, and using certain search engine optimization tactics to influence your results.


How to Manage Your Online Reputation in the Digital World


With the growth of the internet and social media, reputation management today mainly concerns the results from searches and how you can mold them to your advantage.  Through developments in public relations, there has been growth in the number of reputation management companies working both online and off-line.


How to Manage Your Online Reputation


Online reputation management focuses on managing product and service search results within the digital space.  Several electronic marketplaces and online communities like e-Bay, Amazon and Alibaba have built in  ORM systems.   These use effective controls that can minimize the threat and protect their systems from possible misuse and abuse by outside influences.


How to Manage Your Off-line Reputation


Off-line reputation management refers to managing your brands public perception out-side the digital sphere.  This uses select controls and measures to gain the desired result.  It shows what stake-holders think and feel about your brand.  

The most popular controls for off-line reputation management include social responsibility, media visibility, press releases in print media and sponsorship using related tools.


How to Pick the Best Reputation Management Tactics


Companies and other organizations possess various attributes that influence how others evaluate your corporate reputation.  These attributes include the symbolic features your business possesses.  They include your brand, your industry ranking, and your product prestige.

Organizations can influence their reputations by carefully developing their brand, product, and organization characteristics.  This is accomplished by creating new offerings such as introducing new products or services.  

You can also accomplish this by expanding the scope of your existing offerings, or by associating with desirable influencers.


How to Make the Best Reputation Management Tactics Work


Reputation management includes monitoring of the reputation of an individual or a brand on the internet.  It means actively addressing potentially damaging content and using customer feedback to try to solve problems before they damage the individual’s or brand’s reputation.

A major part of reputation management involves suppressing negative search results.  This needs to also include highlighting positive ones.  For businesses, reputation management involves bridging the gap between how a company perceives itself and how others view it.

Reputation management is simply the attempt to influence and control the conversation which happens about every product or service.  It’s never about preaching, instead it’s always about the conversation.


How Your Business Benefit’s From Reputation Management


A necessity for any business, reputation management is acknowledged as a intangible corporate asset and an important competitive edge.  In our competitive world, all companies are under intense scrutiny from their community, regulators and watchdogs.  Sound reputation management practices help firms cope with this scrutiny.

Sound reputation management practices also reinforce and aid a corporation’s branding objectives.  Meeting your marketing and business communication objectives also benefits from a robust and targeted reputation management strategy.   


How to Protect Your Reputation


A key driver towards increasing profits and its market share is how your reputation is protected.  Good reputation management practices also help any entity manage their staff confidence as a control tool of public perceptions.  

If your reputation is undermined and ignored by negative comments it can be costly.  This may cripple employee confidence, a risk no employer would dare accept since staff morale is one of the most important drivers of company performance.


How to Succeed Using Great Reputation Management


At it’s core, reputation management monitors your individual reputation or your that of your brand on the internet.  It actively addresses potentially damaging content, using positive customer feedback to try to solve problems before they damage the individual’s or brand’s reputation. 


How to Monitor Your Reputation for Free Using Google Alerts


Google gives you the ability to set up an Alert for searches that you have already conducted.  Using Alerts, you don’t have to go online every day and search for new results.  Google will do that for you.  Google Alerts is like having your own online research assistant.


Google Alerts are emails, sent to you automatically, when there are new Google results for your search terms.

To set up a Google Alert simply sign in to your Google account.  Go to  In the Create a Google Alert box type in your search terms.  Click the Show Options down arrow to set up your search parameters.


How to Suppress Your Negative Search Results


An important part of reputation management involves suppressing negative search results, while highlighting positive ones.  For businesses, reputation management usually involves an attempt to bridge the gap between how a company perceives itself and how others view it.


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